I went for a walk in the woods. Entering the path, I walked until I reached a bend in the road, where I sat down on a bench. I could see the continuing path on one side of me and the other the path I had just walked. From my sitting position, both ways were equal in my vision. Here I was in the middle, the present moment. Behind me, the past, in front of me the future, but the only actual reality was the moment on the park bench.

I became very still in contemplation. I saw the two paths as a symbol of duality. If I allowed my mind to go in either direction, I would leave the absolute peace of the moment; in a sense, I would leave reality.

The wind picked up, and I heard rustling in the leaves on the tree directly in front of me. I was totally in the experience of the now. I realized how truth, spirit, God, has no sound; it is silent until it moves through something in the physical world like the wind was moving the leaves on the tree, creating such a beautiful sound.

I looked down on the path beneath my feet and saw how each pebble had its place, its purpose. I felt a reverence for everything and felt a reverence in return. What is usually experienced was disappearing; I was disappearing. Or I should say separateness was fading, and the identification with a separate “me” was being absorbed into the Oneness. The “I” definition that creates a distinct me from everything else was leaving. I was part of everything around me. Colors became vivid, time stood still, and everything was more alive. Vibrant light and intense energy embraced me. Breathing slowed down, almost seeming still. I felt powerful energy slightly above my eyes between the eyebrows.

Spellbound would be an understatement; I was in absolute bliss—no desire to move, to know, label, or analyze. I don’t know how long the experience lasted, but the “I” slowly began to return at some point. It was as if I had been on a long blissful journey. It was an effort to move. I just allowed the experience to end on its own accord. When I could stand and walk, I continued the path. There was beauty and grace in each step I took.

As I reflect, no words can truly define the experience. It is like trying to point to something we have not yet created words for.

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