There is in all things a hidden wholeness… Afraid that our inner light will be extinguished, or our inner darkness exposed, we hide our true identities and become separated from our souls. We end up leading divided lives, far removed from our birthright of wholeness. ~ Thomas Merton, Trappist Monk, and Mystic

There is no escaping the human condition. We mirror each other and always reflect our perfect divine nature and imperfect human nature. We will not reach perfection, but we can return to wholeness by integrating our perfect divine nature and flawed human nature. This is what the process of evolution is all about. We all have an innate wisdom that knows we are meant to live from love, peace, harmony, joy, and wholeness. We have given our power away by accepting lives of surviving rather than thriving. Suppose we can let go of our survivor mentality, which focuses on lack, and instead, in sincere faith, connects with an infinite energy source that guides us towards our highest good. We then can begin to thrive and live abundant lives. When we resist this higher guidance, we create unnecessary suffering for ourselves. That suffering only ceases when we surrender to higher guidance that speaks through our innate wisdom allowing that truth to flow through us.

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